Tiredness, thyroid problem, excessive salt intake, fluid retention and several other reasons cause eyes to be puffy. The home remedies mentioned will bring some relief of the discomfort caused by puffy eyes.
TEA: In winters, dip 2 tea bags of your choice in hot water for three to five minutes. Let cool until the bags are comfortably warm to the touch. Lie down, close your eyes, and place a tea bag over each eye. During hot months, put the cooked tea bags in the refrigerator and apply to eyes when needed for a soothing experience.
CUCUMBERS: Lean your head back, rest a slice of cucumber on each closed eye, and relax for five to ten minutes while it cures your puffiness.
POTATO: Grate the potato as fine as possible, then, place the pulp in a clean cloth and fold to make a poultice. Place the poultice on your eyelids for 15 minutes.
SALT: Salt intense food can cause puffy eyes however salt by itself proves to be good for eyes. Get rid of the puffy eyes by mixing 1/2 teaspoon salt into 1 quart warm water. Dip cotton ball into it, then lie down and apply pads to the eyelids for 10 minutes.